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Min. Order £15.00
If you or someone you're ordering for has a food allergy or intolerance, we recommend you phone the restaurant on 0121 769 0546
Food Standard Agency
Allergen rules
Allergenic ingredients must be indicated in list of ingredients with clear reference to name of the substance or product as listed in Annex II of the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation No.1169/2011 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 78/2014 amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011. Annex II outlines the 14 allergens (and products thereof) that must be labelled or indicated as being present in foods and are:
* Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat (such as spelt and khorasan wheat), rye, barley, oats
* Crustaceans for example prawns, crabs, lobster, crayfish
* Eggs
* Fish
* Peanuts
* Soybeans
* Milk (including lactose)
* Nuts; namely almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecan nuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio nuts, macadamia (or Queensland) nuts
* Celery (including celeriac)
* Mustard
* Sesame
* Sulphur dioxide/sulphites, where added and at a level above 10mg/kg or 10mg/L in the finished product. This can be used as a preservative in dried fruit
* Lupin, which includes lupin seeds and flour and can be found in types of bread, pastries and pasta
* Molluscs like, mussels, whelks, oysters, snails and squid
The allergenic ingredients need to be emphasised using a typeset that clearly distinguishes it from the rest of the ingredients, for example by means of the font, style or background colour. Food businesses can choose what method they want to use to emphasise the 14 allergens on their product label.
Where several ingredients or processing aids in a food originates from a single allergenic ingredient, the labelling should make this clear for each ingredient or processing aid concerned. For example, skimmed milk powder, whey (milk), lactose (milk)
Where the name of the food (such as a box of eggs or bag of peanuts) clearly refers to the allergenic ingredients concerned, there is no need for a separate declaration of the allergenic food
· Where foods are offered to sale to the final consumer or to mass caterers without packaging, or where foods are packed on the sales premises at the consumer’s request or prepacked for direct sale, information about allergenic ingredients is mandatory and must be provided
· Allergen information must be provided for non-prepacked foods in written or oral formats with clear signposting to where consumers can obtain this information, when it is not provided upfront
Know the law
· There are both criminal and civil legal regimes that are relevant to the sale of foods containing allergens and the provision of 'allergen-free' lists. It is essential that these are given careful consideration.
· The following is a brief outline of the main provisions to assist manufacturers in identifying their legal obligations. It also suggests the appropriate courses of action in respect of good manufacturing practice and the provision of information for consumers.
· Manufacturers should seek their own legal advice as appropriate.
· The EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU FIC) changes the way allergen information appears on labels and on food that is prepacked, sold loose or served when eating out. The EU FIC brings general and nutrition labelling rules together and simplifies and consolidates existing labelling legislation into a single framework.
· The regulation builds on the previous allergen labelling provisions for prepacked foods as well as extending the provision of allergen information to foods sold non-prepacked or prepacked for direct sale.
· 'Prepacked food'
· 'Prepacked' foods are foods, which have been put into packaging before sale (final consumer or to mass caterers), where there is no opportunity for direct communication between producer and customer, and the contents cannot be altered without opening or changing the packaging. For example, most pre-packed foods sold in supermarkets will fall under this definition, such as tinned food, ready-made meals or frozen food products.
· 'Prepacked for direct sale'
· Generally means those foods that have been packed on the same premises as they are being sold. In these situations, it is thought that the customer would be able to speak to the person who made/packed the foods to ask about ingredients and so these foods do not generally have to be labelled with ingredients by law. Foods which could fall under this category are meat pies made on site, and sandwiches made and sold prepacked or not pre-packed from the premises in which they were made.
· 'Non-prepacked'(Loose foods)
· Foods which are non-prepacked can be often described as foods sold loose. In a retail environment this would apply to any foods which are sold loose from a delicatessen counter (for example, cold meats, cheeses, quiches, pies and dips), fresh pizza, fish, salad bars, bread sold in bakery shops etc. In a catering environment this would apply to foods ready for consumption such as meals served in a restaurant, café or purchased from a takeaway.
Opening hours
Ciorba De Afumatura Cu Salata De Ceapa Rosie Soup
Ciorba de afumatura cu salata de ceapa rosie
(bean soup with smoked bacon and onion) 350gr
Gustare Mixta Zacusca Vinete Homous
Gustare Mixta Zacusca VineteHomous Masline Serveste 2 Persoane Vegetarian mix olives, zakuska, homous, eggplant for 2 ppl 600gr
Fritto Misto Serveste 2 Persoane
Fritto misto 120gr creveti,120gr calamari,200gr legume insotit de sosuri ,serveste 2 persoane 120gr prawns,120gr calamari,200gr vegetables & sauces,serving 2 people
Mamaliguta Cu Unt
Mamaliguta Cu Unt, Brânza Telemea Si Smântâna Alaturi De Ou Ochi Prajit In Tigaie Polenta with butter, cheese, cream and a fried egg on the top 600gr
Pui Taranesc Pe Jar Cu Cartofi Prajiti
Pui Taranesc Pe Jar Cu Cartofi Prajiti, Salata Si Sos BBQ Peasant chicken on the jar with chips and salad -200gr/100gr
Tochitura Cu Mamaliguta, Ou, Branza Si Muraturi
Tochitura Cu Mamaliguta, Ou, Branza Si Muraturi Asortate Stew with polenta and assorted pickles 550gr
De Berbecut Se Serveste Cu Mamaliguta
Mix beef,pork,chicken,lamb pastrami with polenta and pickles) 250gr/150gr/100g
Specialitatea Casei Ciolan Rotisat De Pork
Specialities Casei Ciolan Rotisat De Pork Cu Fasole Si Salata de Varza House speciality rotary pork with beans and cabbage salad 1000gr/200gr/150gr
Mancare Traditionala Din Romania
Mancare Traditional Din Romania -Sarmale Cu Mamaliguta Smanata Si Ardei Mixed minced meat rolled in cabbage with polenta, sour cream and chilli pepper on the side 200gr/150gr/70gr
Pastrama De Oaie in Sos De Vin Se Serveste
Pastrama De Oaie in SSos De Vin Se Serveste Cu Mamaliguta Si Muraturi Asortate Pastrami in wine sauce with polenta and assorted pickles 200/150/100
Pomana Porcului Ceafa, Muschiulet De Porc
Pomana Porcului Ceafa, Muschiulet De Porc, Mirodenii Trase La Tigaie Se Serveste Cu Mamaliguta Si Salata Varza Murata Pork shoulder with polenta and cabbage)250gr/150g/100gr
Platou Dracula 2-3 Pers Platter
Platou Dracula 2-3 pers (Dracula platter 2500gr for 2-3 people)
Platou Cu Fructe De Mare, Serveste 2 Persoane Platter
Platou cu fructe de mare creveti de madagascar, calamari, scoici, salata si sosuri, serveste 2 persoane (sea food platter) 900gr - Most wanted
Plate with seafood Madagascar shrimp, squid, shellfish, salad and sauces, serves 2 people
Black Sea Platter
Black Sea Platter/ Marea Neagra Platou Fructe De Mare 4 persoane Scoici in sos de vin alb cu creveti decorticati, calamar pe plita si baby caracatita
Shells in white wine sauce with peeled shrimp, squid on the stove and baby octopus.
Platou Aripioare Picante Cu Sos De Usturoi Platter
Platou Aripioare Picante Cu Sos De Usturoi Si Cartofi Taranesti 16buc (2 persoane)
Platou aripioare nepicante in BBQ si cartofi taranesti 16buc, serveste 2 persoane
Plate of spicy wings in BBQ and peasant potatoes 16pcs serves 2 people
Platou Dracula Serveste 4-5 Persoane Platter
Platou dracula (dracula platter 5000gr) (ciolan porc, pui rotisati, cartofi taranesti, cartofi pai, carnaciori mici, pastrami de barbecut, muraturi si sosuri serveste 4-5 persoane)
For 4-5 people. Pork shoulder, chicken, wedges, fries, lamb pastrami, militia, traditional sausages served with pickles and sauces - Most wanted
Salata Asortata Salad
Tomatoes, cucumbers, onion & lettuce accompanied with olive oil and vinegar dressing
Cartofi Taranesti
Cartofi Taranesti (rustic potatoes)(Cartofi aromatic Cu cimbru si Ustoroi)gold and crispy, seasoned with thyme and garlic flavour 200gr
Piure De Cartofi
Pierre de Cartofi (mashed potatoes with herbs soft and mashy, with a slight touch of chives and parsley as well) -200gr
Papanasi Deliciosi (Jam)
Traditional Transylvania doughnuts filled with mascarpone cheese topped with cream and served with jam.
Papanasi Deliciosi (Chocolate)
Traditional Transylvania doughnuts filled with mascarpone cheese topped with cream and served with chocolate.
Shaorma Mica
Cu de toate sau numai cu ce vrei tu, shaorma poate fi facuta , ingrediente proaspete si delicioase 100% romanesti. With all or only what you want, Shaorma can be made, with fresh and delicious ingredients 100% Romanian.
Shaorma Meniu (Cartofi and Cola)
Shaorma mare and portie cartofi prajiti and cola
Shaorma mare and portions of french fries and cola
Mititei “Transylvania Land”
Mice (militia ‘’Transylvania land’’ din vita si porc) (minced beef and pork sausages seasoned with garlic, salt and black pepper) 80gr
Muschiulet De Porc in Pancetta Iberica Si Legume
Muschiulet De Porc in Pancetta Iberica Si Legume La Gratar- Most wanted
Snitel De Pui Cu Piure Si Salata De Varza Alba
Site De Pui Cu Piure Si SSalata De Varza Alba / Chicken Schnitzel with Puree and White Cabbage Salad
Ciolan Rotisat De Pork Cu Cartof La Cuptor Cu
Colan Rotisat De Pork Cu Cart of La Cuptor Cu Rosemar Si Salata de Varza 1200g / Roasted Pork Ciolan with Potatoes with Rosemary and Cabbage Salad 1200g Most wanted
Coste De Miel Gatite La Joasa Temperature Cu
Coste De Miel Gatite La Joasa Temperature Cu Vinete Si Salata Verde Slow-cooked lamb ribs with eggplant and green salad, black pepper 250gr/100gr/100gr
Coaste De Pork Servite Cu Sos Transylvania
Costa De Pork Servite Cu Sos Transylvania, Muraturi Si Cartofi Prajiti Slowly roasted pork ribs with chips and Transylvania sauces 450gr/200gr/200gr best seller
Friptura De Porc Cu Cartofi Prajiti Si Salata
Friptura De Porc Cu Cartofi Prajiti Si Salata De Varza Alba Pork steak with potato wedges 250gr/200gr/100gr
Pui Taranesc Pe Jar Cu Cartofi Prajiti
Pui Taranesc Pe Jar Cu Cartofi Prajiti, Salata Si Sos BBQ Peasant chicken on the jar with chips and salad -200gr/100gr
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